04 May 2013

Building Student Connections and Electronics Portfolios in a Google Drive Environment

For the complete article on this post, please refer to the Volume 38, Number 4 issue of the NationalBulletin published by the AATF.  

In the April 2013, National Bulletin, I published an article (Building Student Connections and Electronics Portfolios in a Google Drive Environment) on the use of the Google Drive environment to connect with students and to create student e-portfolios. The article contained several screen shots designed to guide the reader through the steps of building a shared resource for teachers and students. While the screen shots were useful visuals, they had to be reduced to fit the two dimensional medium of the page. By adding the screen shots to the blog, users will be able to explore the true image size and interact with the author through the comment section. Each picture includes a short caption, to view the pictures to view the pictures in a non-presentation format, please click here. If you are interested in creating a Google Drive environment for your classes, but still have questions, please contact me at catherineku72@gmail.com or on Twitter: @catherineKU72.