It is evident that educators wish to enhance their lessons and classrooms with technology, but do not always have time or resource familiarity to effectively research and evaluate worthwhile options. The Tech Commission offers assistance with this research and evaluation. Please contact us at aatftech@gmail.com with questions or comments or visit our Web site for further information. We are able to assist you with suggestions and ideas!
Lara Lomicka (University of South Carolina and Tech Commission Co-Chair) and Deb Reisinger (Duke University) presented their session, "Going High Tech: Using Technology to Promote Learning French." Their document can be viewed here.
At the conclusion of the presentation, teachers shared the tools that they use with their students. These include:
1. Languages Online - This site offers numerous practice exercises using reading comprehension, thematic vocabulary, and grammar revision.
2. Xtranormal - "If you can type, you can make a movie." A fantastic template-based site that encourages writing and editing. Users produce a script with the characters and sets. Computer voices (in several languages and genders) enhance the creativity and uniqueness to the production. Sign up with an educational account!
3. Quizlet - Quizlet is a free educational site that allows users to make vocabulary flashcards, review through competition, and share cards with others.
4. gFlash+ Flashcards - This is free app from gWhiz for Apple and Android devices allows users to create and upload flashcards from Google docs and from an online database.

Bon surf et bonne continuation!
Catherine Ousselin